Soul Bags

Soul bags distributed by members of Shepherd of the Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque, NM to people in need

Soul Bags are prepared with healthy, nonperishable food items by the Outreach Team and purchased by the church community for distribution wherever they see the need in our city.

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Working to End Hunger

Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque, NM donates trees to the Rio Grande Community Gardent

Supporting our Neighbors at the Rio Grande Community Garden Shepherd of the Valley donated trees and rows of garden space to the Rio Grande Community garden. The church donated 3 rows of space to Sylvester, a refugee from Uganda, to help him raise food for his family of 8.

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An Update from the Rowbergs in Tanzania


We have crossed the two month dateline. I am happy to report we are both doing better in every way. Don’s hearing MUCH improved, but is not yet back to baseline; he will see the ENT specialist again on August 26. I think I am over my original respiratory trouble and I had ONE day…

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