Stepping Into Our Open Church

Dear family, On Tuesday the Session unanimously joined in the decision that it is time to step into in-person activities at the church, beginning with worship.  You are invited to join in our 2021 Pentecost Sunday worship service (9:30 AM, both in-person and on Zoom). I, like you, have been anticipating this opportunity for the last…

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Ash Wednesday – Imposition of the Cross Service

Ash Wednesday Service Link – February 17, 2021   The Imposition of the Cross Service is available to view throughout the day on February 17th starting at 5:00 a.m.   Participate any time using your own ashes, oil, water, or temporary tattoo. This is an important season in the life of the church, in which…

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Women’s Lenten Bible Study Invitation

All Women are invited to join us beginning February 19th for fellowship and discussion of God’s Word as we begin a study Of “Shalom” from PCUSA. Click here to download Lenten Devotional 2021. We gather on Zoom at 9:30am.

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Advent Devotional and Study Announcement

Advent is the season that begins 4 Sundays before Christmas. It marks the beginning of a new year on the church calendar. We begin our church year by remembering the grace of God being born among us, and by waiting with hopeful anticipation for the fullness of God’s kingdom in Christ’s return.  We are inviting…

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Church Engagement

Our church and its ministries are active and working during this new season in which we find ourselves. We know that each of you has unique skills and interests, and each of you is an important part of our community. It is more challenging to find ways to become engaged as we are not meeting…

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What are you hoping for?

I have been looking ahead at scripture passages for the coming weeks and was struck by one for Sunday the 19th:   Romans 8:18-25         “I believe that the present suffering is nothing compared to the coming glory that is going to be revealed to us.  The whole creation waits breathless with anticipation for the revelation…

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